Intelifaz a software services consultancy based in Miami and Mendoza, Argentina has announced a strategic partnership with The Mat|r Project, a startup that has developed a revolutionary open source AppDev platform likely to have a large impact on how apps are developed and what they can do.

Intelifaz will be bringing it’s long experience in enterprise development to bear, to aid Mat|r  in optimize the platform’s enterprise capabilities during beta testing. Intelifaz will be working with Mat|r on several government prototype projects in Argentina that include an app to improve election transparency and integrity and an app to improve the responsiveness of the judicial system to citizens.

Alan Sujovolsky - President of Intelifaz - says “ Mat|r brings a new vision that will allow easier access to create solutions that can eventually work on all kinds of devices. We already have used Mat|r for one of our clients, a startup in Chile. Currently we planning to use the platform in future projects with Government and NGO’s.”

For more information on Mat|r go to